The diet is considered one of the most effective weight loss methods. It not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also helps to remove harmful substances from the body. However, the method is not suitable for everyone.
What is a Diet?
Diet - a way to reduce weight, which is based on the exclusion of solid foods from the menu. All useful substances during the weight loss period a person will receive juice, water and a number of other drinks. For 2 weeks, the method allows you to get rid of excess pounds and eliminate toxins from the body. Keep in mind that the method is extreme. It doesn't suit everyone.
The diet has earned a reputation as one of the most effective methods for losing weight. There are several alternative schema names. So sometimes it's called a diet for the lazy. This method gets its name from the fact that it does not involve physical exertion. Weight loss diet is also called model diet. The loss of superfluous kilos is due to a hypocaloric diet, which must be followed for 2 weeks. The main purposes of the unloading variety are:
- reduce the load on the digestive tract;
- reduction in body fat percentage;
- normalization of the functioning of internal organs.
However, not all nutritionists are positive about this method. A number of experts are convinced that diets are very difficult. During the entire period of unloading, solid food is completely excluded from the diet. Liquid is not able to allow the body to get enough and get the substances necessary for normal metabolism. Meanwhile, losing weight speaks positively of the weight loss method. Among the benefits of the diet are:
- High efficiency. For 2 weeks you can lose 7-15 kg.
- There is a decrease in the volume of the stomach.
- The body is cleansed of harmful substances.
However, the method also has many drawbacks. It can cause a whole list of side effects. The menu of the day will be considerably limited. If you quit the diet incorrectly, anorexia may develop.
Contraindications and side effects
If a woman wants to avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use the method for no more than seven days. Longer adherence to a weight loss regimen may lead to the following side effects:
- irregular stools, constipation or diarrhea;
- nausea, flatulence or bloating in the stomach;
- bad breath, white coating on the tongue;
- dizziness or anemia;
- violation of the functioning of the kidneys and the appearance of severe swelling in the morning;
- the appearance of flies in front of the eyes.
If you make the menu incorrectly or abruptly leave the weight loss diet, this can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which will not be able to immediately switch to the processing of solid foods. In some situations, medication may be needed. The diet can lead to the development of gastritis, anorexia and a number of other diseases. To reduce the risk of side effects, it is recommended to use a diet only in the absence of contraindications, which are:
- Pregnancy and breast feeding;
- problem with the gastrointestinal tract;
- exhaustion of the body;
- cystitis, liver and kidney diseases;
- varicose veins, tendency to swelling and water hammer;
- adolescence or old age;
- unstable mind.
Principles and rules of compliance
Having decided to lose weight using this method, it is worth remembering the existing principles and rules. So, in no case should you abuse the diet. You can resort to the method no more than once a year. Two weeks of a diet sufficient to cleanse the body and restart all vital systems. If the rule is violated, the body may suffer.
It is worth remembering about the existing side effects. If in the process of unloading a woman is faced with a deterioration in her condition, it is necessary to consult a specialist and choose another way to lose weight. The weight loss process should be approached wisely. In a different situation, women are likely to have health problems.
The method cannot be used by people with chronic diseases. Problems with the digestive system are also a reason to abandon the diet.
Authorized and prohibited products
For 2 weeks, solid foods are completely excluded from the diet. Only liquid food products are available for consumption, the list of which includes:
- water, tea and coffee;
- unsweetened kissels, decoctions and compotes;
- low-fat meat, vegetable, fish and mashed broths;
- natural fruit and vegetable juices;
- cocoa.
Commercial juices are prohibited. Only freshly squeezed drinks are allowed. Some nutritionists include cocoa in the list of prohibited foods. The list is quite long. In addition to cocoa, it includes:
- alcohol and soft drinks;
- any solid food and chewing gum;
- pickles, pickles, hot spices and spices;
- sugar and its substitutes;
- fatty broths;
- dairy and high fat sour milk beverages;
- ice cream and other store-bought sweets;
- all oils.
Honey is also prohibited.
Preparing for a diet
The diet is a very strict weight loss method. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. This will reduce the risk of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The first day is difficult. Due to a drastic change in diet, bubbling in the abdomen and a number of other uncomfortable sensations may appear. Proper entry will avoid side effects. However, along with this step, the weight loss program will run for 3 weeks. However, a woman will be able to minimize the negative impact of changes in the caloric content of the diet on the body. For 6 days, it is recommended to eat as follows:
- For breakfast you should cook more liquid porridge. Lunch and dinner remain the same.
- For breakfast, liquid porridge is prepared, lunch remains the same, for dinner you need to eat mashed potatoes.
- Breakfast is duplicated, it is recommended to eat mashed soup for lunch, mashed vegetables for dinner.
- It is recommended to drink fermented baked milk in the morning, eat fatty meat broth for lunch and vegetable puree for dinner.
- Drink kefir in the morning, chicken broth for lunch, and smoothies for dinner.
- Milk should be consumed for breakfast, vegetable broth for lunch and herbal tea for dinner.
sample menu
The menu is compiled for 14 days. The diet is selected in such a way as to help a woman with a feeling of increased hunger. Therefore, in a day it is recommended to carry out up to 7 meals of liquid food. At the same time, the amount of liquid consumed is not limited, however, at the end of the intake a person should not feel heaviness in the stomach. On average, a glass of liquid with a volume of 200 ml is enough to saturate. The daily calorie content varies between 1200 and 1400 calories. If a woman experiences a strong feeling of hunger before going to bed, you can drink a cup of tea with mint or soothing herbs. The menu for 14 days is as follows:
- 1 and 8 days. Cocoa for breakfast, orange juice for the first snack, berry jelly for the second snack, tomato puree soup for lunch, yoghurt for afternoon tea, dried fruit compote for the second afternoon, chicken brothat dinner.
- 2 and 9 days. Green tea for breakfast, tomato juice for the first snack, oat jelly for the second snack, spinach puree soup for lunch, kefir for afternoon tea, berry compote forthe 2nd afternoon tea, beet broth for dinner.
- 3 and 10 days. Black tea for breakfast, plum juice for the first snack, fruit jelly for the second snack, mashed cheese soup for lunch, kefir for afternoon tea, uzvar for the second afternoon tea. noon, hot broth for dinner.
- 4 and 11 days. Cocoa for breakfast, carrot juice for a snack, milk jelly for a second snack, mushroom puree soup for lunch, fermented baked milk for an afternoon snack, applesauce for a second snack, potato broth for dinner.
- 5 and 12 days. Green tea for breakfast, orange juice for the first snack, berry smoothie for the second snack, mashed mushroom soup for lunch, kefir for afternoon tea, uzvar for the second teaafternoon, turkey broth for dinner.
- 6 and 13 days. Black tea for breakfast, pumpkin juice for a snack, fruit jelly for a second snack, pumpkin puree soup for lunch, curd for a snack, fruit compote for a second snack, mushroom broth fordinner.
- 7 and 14 days. Cocoa for breakfast, pomegranate juice for the first snack, jelly oats for the second snack, mashed potato soup for lunch, snowball drink for the snack, applesauce for the second snack, veal broth for dinner.
Get off the diet
After following such a strict diet, you cannot immediately return to the usual menu. Otherwise, the gastrointestinal tract will not be able to quickly rebuild itself and begin to digest solid foods. This will cause a number of problems and cause the lost kilograms to return. Therefore, the period of exit from the diet for 7 days should be twice as long. This means that you must leave for at least 14 days. For a two-week weight loss diet, this period will be 28 days.
It is strictly forbidden to immediately eat fatty, spicy or salty foods. It is advisable to start taking solid foods in the morning. For dinner, it is recommended to leave the drinks menu. Lunch should be gradually changed to solid. Such a transition should last at least three to four days. Then for dinner you can eat something from the usual menu.
Effectiveness and results
Women who decide to follow this method of weight loss want to lose weight first, and then cleanse the body. The result of the refusal of solid food is a decrease in the volume of the stomach, the destruction of the fatty layer under the skin, the elimination of toxins and toxins, the cleansing of the body after five days and weight loss. You can lose up to 2 kg per day.
It is very difficult to maintain such a rigid diet. If a woman nevertheless decides to lose weight so drastically, first of all it is worth deciding on the goal. Experts recommend thinking about why a person wants to lose weight. The entire weight loss period should be remembered about the incentive.
You have to imagine what a person can get when they lose weight. A woman will be able to wear beautiful clothes, her health will improve and her general well-being will improve. For every weight loss success, it's worth rewarding yourself. However, as a reward it is necessary to choose not tasty food, but new things, a change of image or some other reward that will not affect the figure.
You need to be on the right diet. To do this, you need to follow the compiled menu, take the recommended foods and gradually switch to liquids, then return to solid foods. If a woman understands that she cannot withstand such a diet for the whole week, it is necessary to refuse to continue losing weight, but to gradually leave the diet.
Doctor's opinion
The diet really allows you to lose weight. However, it is harmful to the body. Refusal of solid foods is a significant stress even for healthy people. Overweight men and women can face even greater negative consequences. Only liquid fast days can benefit from this. So, a woman may prefer kefir days.
At the same time, more than 2 days of unloading per week can provoke the development of many diseases. Such a diet can cause long-term diarrhea and even cause deformation of internal organs. The latter is possible if you follow a diet for a month.
To lose weight, you need to follow the principles of proper nutrition and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Compliance with the standard rules will allow you to lose weight comfortably and not harm your health.